
Bishop urges prayers for peace in Middle East after Red Sea attack

MANILA: A Catholic prelate on Friday urged the faithful to pray for the victims of the March 6 attack of rebels at the Gulf of Aden where three crew members, two of which are Filipino seafarers, were killed.

“In this moment of war, chaos, and uncertainty, let us all turn to God for His divine intervention. Let us pray for peace in the Middle East, entrusting everything in His power and mercy…We are one and united with the families of the victims. We urge them to be strong and lift up everyone and everything to God,” Antipolo Bishop Ruperto Santos said in an interview over Church-run Radyo Veritas.

“We call on the Houthis to stop all the attacks, aggression, and intrusion in the Red Sea. This incident underscores the danger to human life, property, and the marine environment in the area,” the Catholic prelate added.

The attack on MV True Confidence was the first fatal assault due to the tension at the Red Sea, one of the important trade routes from Europe, Middle East and Asia.

According to an official s
tatement by the Indian Navy and released by Anadolu news agency on March 7, the Barbados-flagged Bulk Carrier MV True Confidence was reportedly ‘hit by a drone/missile’ in the south-west of Aden on Wednesday, resulting in fire onboard and critical injuries to some of the crew members forcing the crew to abandon the ship.

“INS (Indian Navy Ship) Kolkata, deployed for maritime security operations arrived at the scene of action and rescued 21 crew members, including one Indian national, from the life raft using its integral helicopter and boats.”

Santos said he is praying for God’s intervention to touch the hearts of contrasting parties and stop the hostility that is affecting innocent people.

“We place our trust in God’s miraculous love for peace, diplomatic settlements, and to soften the hearts of both sides. May each one respect life, promote the common good, and protect the individual rights and welfare,” he said.

It was in November 2023 when the Yemeni militia group, Houthis started attacking the Red Se
a in support of Palestinians at the start of Israel – Hamas militant war.

The group also took hostage 17 Filipino crew members of Galaxy Leader cargo ship at the Red Sea.

Source: Philippines News Agency