
ASEAN aims to enhance workforce competitiveness

The 16th Meeting of the Working Group on Progressive Labour Practices to Enhance the Competitiveness of ASEAN (SLOM-WG) has been held online.

The August 16 meeting, hosted by Brunei’s Ministry of Home Affairs and chaired by the Philippine Department of Labor and Employment, reviewed the progress of the Working Group’s activities under the SLOM-WG Work Plan 2021-2025 including the Regional Report on Enhancing the Competitiveness of Human Resources through Responsive TVET Curriculum Supported by Involvement of Industries and Labor Market Information.

Other initiatives include the ongoing project entitled Regional Mapping of Labour Market Information Systems in ASEAN Member States as a Basis for Better Skills and Employment Policies. In addition, a series of training webinars on labour market information systems and social protection for old age and informal workers were also implemented.

As part of Indonesia’s Chairmanship deliverables this year, the guidance document for the ASEAN Declaration on Promoting Competitiveness, Resilience and Agility of Workers for the Future of Work was developed and is expected to be adopted by the ASEAN Labour Ministers this year.

The meeting also reviewed the regular update of regional databases notably the ASEAN Informal Employment Statistics and the ASEAN Labour Productivity Index. The first of its kind in the region, the indices feature inclusive multi-dimensional variables on labour productivity promotion.

The complementarity of SLOM-WG’s initiatives on skills development and recognition with those of the ASEAN TVET Council and ASEAN Qualification Reference Framework (AQRF) was also discussed.

SLOM-WG’s relevant activities include the upcoming inter-pillar Workshop on Strengthening Migration Measures in ASEAN with attention on nursing and tourism sectors to be hosted by Vietnam this September.

Under Indonesia’s leadership, there are also plans to expand implementation of the ASEAN Guiding Principles for Quality Assurance and Recognition of Competency Certification Systems.

The meeting also acknowledged the progress of the ASEAN Labour Inspection Committee since its establishment in 2021 as well as the ongoing implementation of the ASEAN Roadmap for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour by 2025.

The SLOM-WG is one of the three subsidiary bodies of the SLOM. Rotated biennially, the chairmanship was handed over from Indonesia to the Philippines during the 15th SLOM-WG Meeting held in January this year.

Source: Lao News Agency