
Approved revenue code ushers support to health, education in Antique

The approved 2023 Revenue Code of Antique would mean additional funds to construct more schools, better health facilities and other needed infrastructures in the province.

The provincial board approved the ordinance, expected to generate an additional PHP119.86 million annually, during its regular session on Monday.

‘We are finally able to approve the 2023 Revenue Code after a long and tedious process of holding public consultation and debate,’ ordinance author Board Member Victor Condez said in an interview.

The revenue could provide funds for the construction of schools, especially in the hinterland areas where there are no educational facilities, procurement of medicines and upgrading of medical facilities and equipment of the seven district hospitals, and the needed infrastructures based on the Annual Investment Plan of the province.

‘Let us help the provincial government by paying our obligations, for in that way we could also access better services,’ he said.

In a related interview, Antique Go
vernor Rhodora Cadiao said the passage of the 2023 Revenue Code is already long overdue since the enactment of the first code 18 years ago.

‘Thank you to Antique Provincial Board for we now have the newest revenue code,’ she said.

Cadiao said other provinces in Western Visayas have already amended their revenue code.

‘The increase in the taxes in the revenue code is mainly on the business permits, quarry, and other tax sources,’ she added.

Cadiao further said although the revenue code will take effect after a month’s publication, the Antique provincial government remains open to comments and suggestions from those who will be affected by the increase in taxes.

Source: Philippines News Agency