
A charity programme launched to raise funds for migrant workers amid Covid-19

The Lao Red Cross has launched a fundraising campaign “Prevent and Control Covid-19” with an aim to help migrant workers in mandatory quarantine across the country.

The campaign is designed not only to provide assistance to migrant workers but also to support Covid-19 control and containment efforts.

General public members can make donation via the following PREVENT AND CONTROL THE Covid-19 accounts of the Lao Development Bank: 03020000 10004137 (LAK), 0302001010001498 (US$), and 0302002010001685 (THB).

Donation can be also made via the smartphone applications of the Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public: BCEL One, or OneHeart.

More information about the donation is available at: 020-995 89893. 020-5999 6059 and 020-5689 8079 or Facebook Lao Red Cross and its website:

“The Lao Red Cross realizes the difficulties the Covid-19 outbreak has posed for families, jobs and businesses. Anyone, charities wishing to donate can do so by contacting the Lao Red Cross in Xiang Yuen village, Chanthabouly district, Vientiane or all Red Cross branches countrywide,” said President of the Lao Red Cross Society Phouthone Muangpak.

Source: Lao News Agency