Human Services

68 new cases recorded nationwide

Sixty-eight new cases of Covid-19 infection have been recorded nationwide over the past 24 hours with imported cases numbering 67 and one local transmission detected in Vientiane Province.

The 67 imported cases included 40 in Savannakhet, 19 in Champassak, and one each in Khammuan and Vientiane.

Laos has logged 2,537 cases of Covid-19 since the virus was first detected in the country in March 2020. This includes 2,107 recoveries, 249 active cases and three deaths.

Over 1.55 million people have been vaccinated against Covid-19 as of Jul 5, 2021. The immunized include 956,535 given first dose and 595,647 given second shot.

The government has an ambitious plan to have 50 % of population in the country vaccinated against Covid-19 by the end of 2021. This means that around 3.5 million people of the total 7.16 million people (2019) in the country will be immunized against the deadly virus.

Source: Lao News Agency