
5th Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge gets 70% completed

Head of the 5th Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge Construction Project Mr Laythong Phoummavong has said that 70% of the project activities have been carried out including 60% of the bridge itself and 89% of related facilities.

(KPL) Head of the 5th Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge Construction Project Mr Laythong Phoummavong has said that 70% of the project activities have been carried out including 60% of the bridge itself and 89% of related facilities.

Deputy Prime Minister Kikeo Khaykhamphithoune, accompanied by Borikhamxay Governor Kongkeo Xaysongkham, representatives of relevant authorities and his delegation visited the construction site of the Mekong bridge on Monday, Jun 12.

Around 5 billion kip has been paid in compensation for people’s land required by the development project.

The bridge is expected to be put into public use in the beginning of 2024, according to Mr Laythong Phoummavong.

The bridge spans the Mekong between Paksan district in Borikhamxay of Laos and Bung Kan province in northeastern Thailand.

“This bridge is being built over the Mekong and has a total length of 1,350 meters. It is expected to be fully completed in 2024 and boost trade and investment between Laos and Thailand,” said Mr Laythong Phoummavong.

The bridge is located in Kuy Oudom village in Pakxan district, about 10 km north of the administration centre of the district.

The infrastructure development project is among priorities of the 5-year action plan on strategic partnership for growth and sustainable development (2022-2026) the Lao and Thai governments signed in Jun 2022.

The Neighboring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency (NEDA) of Thailand has funding the bridge construction project, a joint effort of Laos and Thailand to develop a transport corridor connecting Thailand with many Vietnamese cities via Laos and also provide connectivity to China’s Guangxi Province.

Source: Lao News Agency