
20-year implementation of Resolution on great national unity reviewed

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong chaired a meeting of the Politburo and the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat in Hanoi on June 16 to gather opinions on the scheme reviewing the 20-year implementation of the Resolution on promoting the strength of great national unity for a society of wealthy people, strong country, democracy, justice and civilisation.

They shared the view that over the past two decades, the strength of great national unity has been consolidated, strengthened and promoted, contributing to socio-economic development, ensuring national defence-security, external relations, and improving the material and spiritual lives of the people. The gaps between regions and areas have been gradually narrowed. Due attention has been given to the development of mountainous, island, ethnic and disadvantaged areas. Political stability, society consensus and public trust in the Party and State have been reinforced.

The Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF), socio-political and mass organisations have continued renewing their methods of operation, encouraged the people to join in patriotic emulation movements to contribute to national building and safeguarding. Special attention has been paid to the building and rectification of the Party and political system, ensuring that the Party truly serves as a core leadership of the great national unity bloc.

However, there remain shortcomings related to the enforcement of the Party guidelines, State laws and policies on socio-economic development, the upholding of great national unity in several areas, development gaps among regions and areas, social oversight and criticism activities. The VFF, socio-political and mass organisations have yet to uphold their sense of responsibility for mobilising, uniting, representing the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

In conclusion, the Politburo underlined that great national unity is a valuable tradition, a strategic guideline of the Party, and a decisive factor for every success in the cause of national construction and defence.

They affirmed to place the legitimate interests and public satisfaction at the centre, ensure fairness and equality for every citizen in accessing resources and opportunities for development.

The Politburo assigned the Steering Committee for the scheme to acquire the Politburo and relevant agencies’ feedback to refine the report and submit it to the Party Central Committee at its eighth plenum in October./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency