
1K gov’t leaders to be made digital savvy every year – DAP

BAGUIO CITY – The Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) said the national government has instructed the center to start making executives and middle managers in the government digitally savvy and adept with the call of the times.

Nanette Caparos, DAP’s vice president and head of the Career Development Center, in a press conference on Friday, said the agency is ‘focusing on digital governance’ starting this year.

‘We have been instructed to have at least 1,000 digital leaders in a year and this will be mandatory to the executives and second-level managers,’ she said.

Caparos said the seven-day program is mandatory to all middle managers while a three to five days ‘Catch-up’ program on Artificial Intelligence is for the executives, both eyed to ensure that government leaders are updated on the latest technologies.

She said there are 1,507 professionally trained officers spread out in the bureaucracy who came from 254 agencies.

She added that at least 93 percent of the middle managers who have compl
eted a program with DAP remain to hold their positions while a higher number are holding an executive position.

‘A lot of the middle managers have been promoted to executives and directors and we are happy because this means we have achieved the goal of the DAP to train leaders to properly manage the government,’ she said.

Caparos said DAP training is exclusive for Philippine public servants, noting that the government spends at least PHP600,000 for the Masters in Public Management Development program.

DAP program is available for Philippine public servants holding a position with at least Salary Grade (SG) 24 but since there are those who were in SG 19 levels who were promoted to executive positions, the DAP has opened the training to workers holding SG 18 to 23 who are exceptional specialists.

Source: Philippines News agency