
18th ASEAN-China Cultural Forum held

The 18th ASEAN-China Cultural Forum under the theme “Building modern libraries and promoting reading” was held on June 19, in Nanning, Guangxi Province, China.

The meeting was attended by Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Suansavanh Viyaket and Deputy Minister of China Culture and Tourism Rao Quan, Deputy Governor of Guangxi Province Miao Qingwang, Director General of National Library of China Song Yuan Ming and senior officials from ASEAN member states.

Minister Suansavanh Viyaketh said Laos has paid attention to modernizing library system in the country by organizing activities to make children and young people realize the importance of reading, love reading and get access to libraries, both at the central and provincial levels.

She said Laos still faces difficulties in terms of knowhow, personnel and these challenges need to be addressed to ensure library modernization over years to come.

Laos has attached attention to working with strategic friendly countries in the region to implement several projects including Lao manuscript database development project, digital reading promotion project, and cultural property management database project.

Source: Lao News Agency