
MoIT proposes transfer of 11 SOEs to CMSC, SCIC

The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) has proposed transferring 11 State-owned enterprises (SOEs) in which it represented the State ownership to the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises (CMSC) and the State Capital Investm…


Vietnam’s wooden product exports recover gradually

Vietnam’s wood and wooden product exports have seen signs of gradual recovery, according to the Hanoi-based DSC Securities Joint Stock Company (DSC).In the first half of this year, the export value of these products reached over 6.06 billion USD, mark…


Thailand’s exports drop for 10th consecutive month

Thailand’s exports declined for the 10th consecutive month in July, falling at a higher rate than expected due to sluggish global demand and a drop in global commodity prices.According to data released by the Ministry of Commerce, the export value in …